Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control
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Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control

My name is Tony Richards and when I turned 40 years old I began having unusual health symptoms including a powerful thirst and numbness in my hands. I went to see my doctor and after running tests he determined that I had diabetes. My doctor prescribed medicine for my condition and he also told me to make some lifestyle changes or the diabetes would get worse. I didn't want that to happen so I began researching ways to control diabetes. After implementing these ideas, my condition actually got better and I was able to reduce the amount of medication I was taking. If your doctor has diagnosed you with diabetes, it's very beneficial for you to read my blog so your condition doesn't worsen. I hope that by following this blog, it will help you to control your diabetes too.

Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control

When An Alcoholic Won't Help Themselves: The Three "A's" For Loved Ones

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Watching an alcoholic descend deeper into their addiction is one of the most frustrating and upsetting things for the family and friends of an alcoholic. This is especially true in cases where the alcoholic absolutely refuses to recognize that they have a problem. When an alcoholic just won't help themselves, the family and friends often feel helpless - but that doesn't have to be the case. While you can't force an alcoholic to help themselves, there is plenty that you can do to cope with the situation. Here are the three "A's" to follow when an alcoholic just won't help themselves.

Avoid Self Blame

It is important that you remind yourself that your loved one's alcohol problem is not your fault. Sometimes alcoholics may be full of excuses and full of blame. In their state of intense denial, they may even blame their loved ones. Remind yourself that your loved one is not thinking clearly if they blame you. Don't shoulder the blame for their addiction. Recognizing that the problem lies with the alcoholic can allow you to give clear-headed support when they do finally decide to get help.

Acknowledge the Power of the Addiction

One reason that many family members and friends of alcoholics struggle so much is that they simply don't understand why the alcoholic can't - or won't - quit. It is important that you recognize the true power of addiction. It is not as easy as just deciding to quit. Addiction is terrifyingly strong. It is so strong that recovery has to be approached with even more strength and even more resolve. Acknowledge that your loved one is fighting a terrible battle - one that they may not win on their first attempt at sobriety. Recognizing this fact makes it easier to relate to the problems the alcoholic is going through and it can help you to give the right kind of support when they are ready to get sober.

Arrange an Intervention

An intervention may just be what an alcoholic needs to truly face their problem, but it should be attempted only with the help of a professional in the field of addiction. If the alcoholic is so deep in their addiction that you fear their life could be at stake, an intervention may be a real wake-up call. The intervention will typically include a group of loved ones who all want to help the alcoholic to see that they need to seek professional help like an alcohol detox program. If the intervention is successful, it can truly be life-changing for the alcoholic and for all of their loved ones. 
