Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control
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Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control

My name is Tony Richards and when I turned 40 years old I began having unusual health symptoms including a powerful thirst and numbness in my hands. I went to see my doctor and after running tests he determined that I had diabetes. My doctor prescribed medicine for my condition and he also told me to make some lifestyle changes or the diabetes would get worse. I didn't want that to happen so I began researching ways to control diabetes. After implementing these ideas, my condition actually got better and I was able to reduce the amount of medication I was taking. If your doctor has diagnosed you with diabetes, it's very beneficial for you to read my blog so your condition doesn't worsen. I hope that by following this blog, it will help you to control your diabetes too.

Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control

Four Things You Need To Know about Osteoporosis As You Approach Age 50

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Osteoporosis can affect anyone, but it is much more common in women, especially those who have gone through menopause. Women over 60 especially need to be aware of this disorder so they can take action to prevent, diagnose, and treat it as needed. Are you approaching the age of 50? It's important to learn postmenopausal osteoporosis information so you can be better prepared. Here are four key things you need to know about osteoporosis. 

There are risk factors you can control.

There are many different risk factors associated with osteoporosis. Some of these, like genetic predisposition and ethnicity, are not factors you can change. However, some risk factors for osteoporosis are modifiable, so there are plenty of things you can do to reduce your risk.

  • Quit smoking (or if you are not a smoker, do not start).
  • Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D.
  • Do some weight-bearing exercise, like walking or jogging, every day.

Your doctor can diagnose osteoporosis with a simple bone density scan.

You do not want to be like some women who find out they have osteoporosis when they fall and break a bone. A better way to learn whether or not you have this condition -- and to what extent -- is to have a bone density scan done in your doctor's office. This is a simple and painless test that will tell your doctor whether you have lost enough bone density to be diagnosed with osteoporosis, or whether your bone density is normal for a non-osteoporotic woman your age.

There are plenty of medication options.

If you remember your mother going through menopause, you may remember when osteoporosis medication caused a lot of side effects or had to be administered via injection at the doctor's office. Thankfully, prescription treatments for the condition have come a long way. There are pills you can take just once a month, or in some cases, a few times per year, to prevent your bones from losing additional density. If one medication does not work for you, there are plenty of others your doctor can try.

If diagnosed, you should take action to prevent falls.

If you do have osteoporosis, one of the best ways to protect yourself is to make your home environment fall-proof. Remove any rugs or mats that are slippery so you don't fall and break your bones. Put sticky pads in the bottom of the shower, install a railing on your stairs, and always wear non-slip shoes.
