My name is Tony Richards and when I turned 40 years old I began having unusual health symptoms including a powerful thirst and numbness in my hands. I went to see my doctor and after running tests he determined that I had diabetes. My doctor prescribed medicine for my condition and he also told me to make some lifestyle changes or the diabetes would get worse. I didn't want that to happen so I began researching ways to control diabetes. After implementing these ideas, my condition actually got better and I was able to reduce the amount of medication I was taking. If your doctor has diagnosed you with diabetes, it's very beneficial for you to read my blog so your condition doesn't worsen. I hope that by following this blog, it will help you to control your diabetes too.
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Many children have peanut allergies, and in many cases, a peanut allergy can be quite severe and even life threatening. Most kids are diagnosed with a peanut allergy at a young age after trying food that contains peanuts, such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. While learning that your child has a peanut allergy can be stressful, it can be controlled. Use the following tips if your child has a peanut allergy:
Find a Doctor Who You are Comfortable With
When your child has a peanut allergy, he or she should still see his or her pediatrician. But your child will also need to be under the care of a pediatric allergist. This type of physician will determine whether your child is allergic to only peanuts or if he or she has cross-reactivity to other types of nuts as well. After your child's pediatric allergist figures out the exact allergy and the severity of the allergy, a treatment plan will be developed.
Create an Emergency Action Plan
While most parents are incredibly diligent in making sure that their child with a peanut allergy stays away from nuts, accidental exposure is still possible. For this reason, it is important to have an emergency action plan in place so you know what to do if your child has an allergic reaction after accidental exposure to peanuts. In the case of severe peanut allergies, this action plan may include administering a shot of epinephrine to counteract the symptoms of an allergy attack.
Make sure that everyone who is close to your child, including family members, caretakers, and teachers, are aware of your child's peanut allergy and understand the emergency action plan in the event of accidental exposure to peanuts. If your child has a severe peanut allergy that requires an epinephrine injection, make sure that the adult with your child always has access to epinephrine.
Teach Your Child About the Allergy
As your child grows older, it will be important for him or her to understand the allergy that he or she has. When your child reaches school age, he or she will need to understand that it is not okay to share snacks or food with other kids, since those foods can contain peanuts. Your child will need to know that food labels always need to be read, and that it is important to ask if foods were cooked in a kitchen where peanuts are present. With guidance and education, most kids with peanut allergies grow up without any serious problems and learn to manage their condition just fine.
For more tips, work with a local allergy specialist.