Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control
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Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control

My name is Tony Richards and when I turned 40 years old I began having unusual health symptoms including a powerful thirst and numbness in my hands. I went to see my doctor and after running tests he determined that I had diabetes. My doctor prescribed medicine for my condition and he also told me to make some lifestyle changes or the diabetes would get worse. I didn't want that to happen so I began researching ways to control diabetes. After implementing these ideas, my condition actually got better and I was able to reduce the amount of medication I was taking. If your doctor has diagnosed you with diabetes, it's very beneficial for you to read my blog so your condition doesn't worsen. I hope that by following this blog, it will help you to control your diabetes too.

Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Control

3 Things to Know Before Undergoing Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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Bariatric surgery can be life-changing. The modifications made to your digestive system make it much harder to overeat, allowing you to finally lose weight and keep it off. Today, the gastric sleeve procedure is quickly becoming the most common option for bariatric surgery. Doctors tend to give you a lot of information before this procedure, but there are still some things that might get passed over or underemphasized. Here are a few such things to know before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery.

1. Success is as much about choosing the right foods as it is about limiting portion size.

After your gastric sleeve procedure, you will only be able to eat a small amount before feeling full. This is the main way you'll lose weight. However, the foods you choose are also important. You can't eat too much sugar after a gastric sleeve procedure. It will cause you to have uncomfortable hunger pangs. You can't eat too much fat since it may lead to intestinal discomfort. You'll need to really focus on protein intake as it will keep you feeling satisfied, even with smaller portions. So, success after gastric sleeve surgery is as much about what you eat as it is about how much you eat.

2. You'll probably be more motivated to exercise.

Many people who undergo gastric sleeve surgery struggle to find the motivation to exercise prior to the procedure. They are then surprised to find that post-surgery, they are far more motivated to be active. This is often because the dietary changes made necessary by the procedure help you feel better. You're eating less sugar, so you don't have wild blood sugar swings that leave you feeling irritable. You've dropped a few pounds, so it's easier to move around. Exercising after gastric sleeve surgery can really help speed your weight loss, and most people enjoy it far more than they ever thought possible.

3. Craving can be difficult to deal with.

Yes, you will feel full quickly after gastric sleeve. But the fullness may not turn off your cravings, and for many people, this is the hardest part of recovery and post-surgery weight loss. Working with a therapist can really help. They can teach you strategies to help fight cravings in a healthy way. Over time, the cravings will subside but it can take a few months.

Now that you know more about gastric sleeve surgery, consider reaching out to local surgeons and make an appointment. 
